About Robert Krant
Based in New York City, Robert Krant is an e-commerce expert with over twenty years of experience in the financial industry. Robert is known for being a performance-driven leader. He has always put his all into every business venture, including his most recent position at Beauty Plus Salon.
Robert Krant has always been fascinated with business and finance. For this reason, he attended Temple University in Philadelphia to obtain his Bachelor of Business Administration. Upon graduation, he applied to the University of Southern California, earning his master’s degree in the same subject.
Since his graduation, Robert Krant has dedicated his life to improving the financial and e-commerce side of any business he works with. His first financial job was at Philadelphia National Bank, now Wells Fargo. He first joined the team as a Management Trainee, but with time he made his way up to Vice President and Manager of West Coast Corporate Banking.
His time at Philadelphia National Bank gave Robert the knowledge and experience necessary to move on to his next project. He acted as the Senior Vice President of City National Bank, Los Angeles, for the next five years.
Most recently, Robert Krant has found himself in New York City, where he is the Chief Digital & Financial Officer at Beauty Plus Salon. This position makes Robert grateful for his experience in e-commerce, as he has utilized all of his knowledge to build, design, and grow the e-commerce side of the business. Robert is responsible for all e-commerce business and strategies, budgeting, digital marketing and planning, agency management, online user experiences, and more.
One thing that Robert Krant has learned to be thankful for, time and time again, is technology. Without technology, e-commerce would not exist. Given how much people have come to rely on shopping online, this would have been a shame. Because of e-commerce, many companies were able to survive recent world events, among other significant concerns.
For this reason, Robert Krant feels it is imperative to stay updated on world affairs and events. Not only does he find this news fascinating, but any detail could be critical news for the business world. It’s crucial to remember that news doesn’t occur in a vacuum and that even the smallest detail may be life-changing.
Robert Krant is a man who enjoys many hobbies. However, his two favorite pastimes are cooking and skiing. Cooking enables him to take control of his culinary experiences while creating unique experiences. Meanwhile, skiing is a physical activity that lets him get out, see the world, and create memories. Robert’s move to New York City has enabled his skiing hobby to thrive, as he is now close to many iconic mountains and slopes.
To learn more about Robert Krant and his views, please visit his business website, RobertKrant.biz.